Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bill Clinton

President Bill Clinton and his involvement with a White House Intern…

It was said by the media that President Bill Clinton was sexually involved with a woman by the named of Monica Lewinsky. Was it because Ms. Lewinsky was much younger than the first lady or was it just because Mr. Clinton wanted to have some fun? I think that even if the rumor was true that he cheated on the first lady why would get involve with someone in the White House. As a President or any individual should not get involve with someone you are working with, it just brings rumors to the table and make it even better when you are a Politician are just waiting for you to slip up so they can get something to write or talk about.
President Bill Clinton denied the fact that he had “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky and to top it off he had his supporting wife Ms. Clinton to back him up. According to a website, she said ever since he became President, people are only out to get him. Maybe that was the case or probably the rumor was true and he did cheated on her and maybe he came clean to her about it and she accepted it. He was still charge with Impeachment for the 22-year-old and was fined $ 90,000 for giving false information. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are presently still married but behind close doors are they together or separated because of his nasty past?

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