Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009
Larry Craig is a 63-year-old educated man; he worked for 32 years as a Republican Politician from the U.S State of Idaho. Well when u observed Larry Craig you have to say wow! What a man so dedicated to his job. It is very rare to find someone so dedicated to their job in congress when you compared him with others.
Larry said “they are on a witch hunt” meaning the media is just out to get you. On June 11, 2007 he was arrested for having a homosexual lewd conduct in the men restroom. This meant that a person attracted to the same sex and took part in a nasty matter in public. So the question is, Larry Craig gay? Well on August 2007 he plead guilty but did he just do that to clear his charges.
After the incident occurred Larry refused to give up his place in congress. And I totally agreed with him because he totally devoted himself to that job for 32 years old and I don’t think he should give up his place. Whatever the case may be if he is gay or not he still deserved his place.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009
At age 45, Michael Connell die in a terrible plane crash in Ohio, leaving a wife and four children behind. He was the chief consultant for Karl Rove and information Technology expert for people like George W. Bush and Senator McCain. Big Money right, who would not want to work for the former President creating websites for them and knowing almost everything of their personal life.
It was said that Mike Connell had to testify earlier this year before November concerning a Fraud. Do you think that somebody plan to kill Mike Connell so that he would not talk. As an IT expert, he should have been able to access almost every detail from the White House.
Who was Karl Rove? Karl Rove use to work for Republican George W. Bush as the Deputy Chief of Staff. He was also a consultant for him. He worked as a distributor to place like fox news, Wall street journal and many more.

Did someone sabotage his plane or did Mike Connell lose control of the wheel, after all, he was the pilot of his own plane. Was he under some stress? Alternatively, was it Karl Rove his enemy; had something to do with his death? Would we ever know and don’t know? It is difficult when you are dealing with congress and you are working for a Republican its like if the truth will never be told.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Dissent in America

What are the limits to dissent?
The limits to dissent are different types of aspects that people focus on such as Public service, security, prevention of violence, prevention of threat. If they don’t protect the people of the United States this country would be a disaster, its important that they protect the people.
3. Peace
Peace is something that presently in this world we don't have. It all came about when two or more countires would go to war. And the countries would fight for different things whether it would be natural resources that the other countries has or it could be the people in it that needs to be control such as the government is in need for help. According to the site when the army lacks soldiers they usually draft college students into the army and that can cause strike.
a. Explain how people used their 1 st Amendment rights to protest.
People used their 1 st Amendment to express their right of freedom of speech. When people protest they get a chance to say what they want to say without any consequences. Unlike some countries you do not have the right of speech.
b. Describe what successes and failures have they had?
Protesting in the Unites States has make a big differences, for example women rights. This is when the women in the 1900s did not had a chance to vote for the next President or had a right to say anything. Some failures are when the teachers of course, protest for higher pay and they still do not receive any.
Sunday, March 29, 2009

You might remember this face, name, and bodybuilder person. He was the famous actor in Hollywood from Austria. All this and even more he became the 38 Governor for California. This perfect person worked so hard to get where he is but still portrays the same type of behavior most Politicians engages themselves. Between the years of 1975 to 2000, women have accused him of sexual harassment. He later confessed about his “bad behavior” and that he truly sorry for what he did.
It is terrible when your story reached public but it is even worst when you have a wife and four loving children. How could you possibly set an example for four children if you are doing the wrong things? You as a father suppose to be the one they look up to and admired. He was going so well because he was a very well known and liked actor even I had loved him personally. From my perspective, I just though it was low, because everyone looked up to him but then I guess he just a human like everyone else and does everything else like a normal human being. In addition, we have to give him credit for standing up and taking the wrap for what he did.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Many questions even today have sparked up every time we hear about the “Kennedy’s assassination.” Who killed him and why was he killed so young? In addition, do the insiders know who shot Kennedy in his head? In my opinion I feel that the insiders of course knew who shot Kennedy and I felt he was threaten before but he did not care whether he die or not. Besides, he was a man that serves in the navy and knew what it was meant for him to serve his country at any risk. Despite the women he had in the past and the disease they claimed he had, he was still a devoted President. On November 22, 1963 when he was assassinate by mafia conspiracy so they said, probably JFK knew that would have been his last moments, did he really knew?
The Kennedys deported Carlos Marcello, this man was the Chief of New Orleans, and so people believe that he paid his people to assassinated Kennedy. Mr. Marcello words were “The dog will keep biting you if you only cut off its tail. You must cut off the dog's head." So he said it, he seek revenge and he wanted it and the only way he could have it, is if he murdered one of the Kennedy’s. It was a wise idea of course to plot a job like that because even today like today history still lives on and though we might not know who committed this dreadful crime one day we must find out who killed JFK, besides some of us already knows……

Sunday, March 22, 2009

“Watergate is a general term used to describe a complex web of political scandals between 1972 and 1974,” http://watergate.info/background/.
It was said that the Watergate scandal was an involvement with President Richard Nixon at the time, several others of his closest advisors. It was the break in and cover-up at the Watergate Office complex in Washington. Why did President Nixon felt the need to put himself into so much trouble, was it because he wanted fame or was it because he though there was a huge chance of him not getting caught? As a President, you would know better not to do something like that because you know that one day, someone must find out your dirty little secret and expose you because of the same thing money and fame. After the break in, he resigned on August 9, 1974.

It was later announced that not only did he and his several others stole, illegal break-ins, tax audits, slush funds, but he was also caught having a tape recording system that allows you to listen to every single conversations that was being said. He was then force to reveal the tapes but knowing Nixon as the President he would not reveal his dirty work because he did not want anyone to know he was the biggest fraud. The court, of course had given Richard Nixon an impeachment, he was the only President that ever resigned from office as the 37th President.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Eliot Spitzer

Should Eliot Spitzer be penalize for his actions, shouldn’t he be treated like a normal human being? Well it was not long before that Mr. Spitzer was feeling bored at home and decided to called “Emperors Club VIP. According to this site, his affair began on March 10, 2008 or was he having different affairs along time ago. Why would he feel the need to cheat when he was married to his loving wife Silda Wall Spitzer and his three children, how could he done such a horrible thing to his supporting family? Mr. Spitzer’s prostitution scandal was a terrible break through. His Prostitute’s fake name was Kristen, the one thousand dollar “call girl” for just one hour. Her real identity was later known as Ashley Dupre. Miss Dupre said that she made many mistakes and how many girls are put in the same kind of situations she went through. She felt lonely and had no one there when she needed them, her brother and her father was blanked out of her life so she did not have anyone to guide her through life.
Of course, Mr. Spitzer had to resign immediately because New York could not tolerate a Governor paying for sex, this date was effective on March 12, 2008. He apologizes for his stupid actions and wish his family did not have to go through the pain their going through today. It is sad to know that he would jeopardize his career and his family for paying for a high priced prostituted but many people make mistakes and his consequences was to resign from something he actually worked towards and achieved.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bill Clinton

It was said by the media that President Bill Clinton was sexually involved with a woman by the named of Monica Lewinsky. Was it because Ms. Lewinsky was much younger than the first lady or was it just because Mr. Clinton wanted to have some fun? I think that even if the rumor was true that he cheated on the first lady why would get involve with someone in the White House. As a President or any individual should not get involve with someone you are working with, it just brings rumors to the table and make it even better when you are a Politician are just waiting for you to slip up so they can get something to write or talk about.
President Bill Clinton denied the fact that he had “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky and to top it off he had his supporting wife Ms. Clinton to back him up. According to a website, she said ever since he became President, people are only out to get him. Maybe that was the case or probably the rumor was true and he did cheated on her and maybe he came clean to her about it and she accepted it. He was still charge with Impeachment for the 22-year-old and was fined $ 90,000 for giving false information. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are presently still married but behind close doors are they together or separated because of his nasty past?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Jim McGreevy

Look like if he chose the wrong way to come clean, confessing it into public knowing what the press and the people in Parliament would think. Jim McGreevy seems as though he came from a good background, went to Catholic school, went to a great College, and became a successful Governor. It’s seems as thought its everyone’s dreams, not quiet he had something holding back for so long that he finally said that “My truth is I am a gay American” . Jim was engaged in a sexually behavior with another man named Cipel. He wrote a Book called “The Confession and this book talked about having to come clean about his sexuality and love the person he really loved, and to also love himself and accepted him.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Right to their private life........
According to this article “soon after Sarah Palin became Vice President for Senator John McCain, it was not long before the media got into her private life. They knew that her fifth daughter was pregnant and then it became public, people started to judge Palin, saying that she was not a good parent. Do you feel that Politicians have a right to their own privacy? I think that everyone deserves his or her privacy, but we then have to look at the situation that politicians suppose to be the ones that are responsible for the people of America. The people suppose to be able to trust these politicians and hope they do the right thing. Nevertheless, if we do not know anything about a politician how are we supposed to trust these people?
However, I think reporters are just reporters; they are there to do their jobs. A part of that is exposing Politicians personal life. It is all about the money too, because if a journalist can get a good piece on someone’s personal life and it does make headlines, it is a good chance that person could be famous or even a promotion. Besides, we do need to know what type of politician we are getting ourselves into and sometimes the media plays a big part in letting us know what type of person he or she is. Throughtout my discussion and the information i grab off the web, i will be talking about different politcians and some of their situations that they went through and how they dealt with it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Political scandals
The word “scandal” is a very meaningful word; it defines when a person’s reputation can be damage by misunderstanding, being involved with another person or getting involved in crimes, etc. For example, you as a student being in school and having friends and maybe even a relationship you got yourself involved in and that same person ends up starting a rumor about you or something that you did was actually true. All your information can leak, and the entire school ends up finding out your personal life.
However,” Political scandals” should be even more embarrassing, due to the fact that you are a politician and you must live up to certain aspects because your every move is being watched. It is stressful when you do something wrong and the whole world finds out about it, and you then have to face the public and confess to your rumor. Don’t you agree that these people deserve the same among of privacy as everyone? We are all humans and we all make mistakes and when most of us do our actions are never exposed and judge by the public but yet isn’t fair to let the people of America know what type of people they chose to run this country or to regulate the government. We must have some type of trust for these people and to find out that this person was involved in a terrible crime, you would want to know?